Setting up a static website using AWS Cli

AWS S3 Hosting

If you want to set up a simple and static website, you don't need to think about anything more than just a place to put the files on. which S3 can provide easy and, also important, cheap.


  • I assume you already have the aws-cli on your computer
  • My aws-cli have a few credentials on it, so I will always call the profile benjatech. If you have only one credential you can remove the --profile benjatech argument, and if you want to use it, please replace your profile name on the commands.
  • My bucket will be called, your MUST replace it with a bucket name that makes sense for your project.

Setting up the bucket

Creating the bucket

First we must create the bucket in our AWS account:

1aws --profile benjatech s3api create-bucket --acl public-read --bucket --region us-east-1

Setting the static website

Just creating the bucket is not enough, though. We need to tell AWS that we will use it as a static website.

1aws --profile benjatech s3api put-bucket-website --bucket --website-configuration '{"IndexDocument": {"Suffix": "index.html"}}'

Note that you can also add an error page for your static site, for the sake of simplicity, I will not do it here. Your should take a look at:

Configuring the policy

We now need to config the bucket to accept a get from the public.

Note that inside the policy there is the line*, you must change the bucket name for the one you are using, otherwise you will receive an error that resource doesn't exist.

1aws --profile benjatech s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket --policy '{"Version": "2012-10-17","Statement": [{"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject","Effect": "Allow","Principal": "*","Action": ["s3:GetObject"],"Resource": ["*"]}]}'


Creating the file

Now, let's create a dummy html file to see if S3 is providing our website as expected.

Create an html file name index.html wit the following content:


Uploading the file

As simple as:

1aws --profile benjatech s3api put-object --bucket --key index.html --body ./index.html --acl public-read

Accessing it

You can call the url:

Or the one you configured: http://{bucket-name}.s3-website.{region}

Note that the website you can find in the AWS console will only download your index.html. There is a small change that needs to be made, which is the dot before the region (not a dash).

For instance: . (correct one) -

Uploading your website

If everything is working as expected, now is the time to upload you whole website (as I believe you don't want to upload file by file, right?).

Copying a whole folder to s3:

1aws --profile {your profile} s3 cp {origin folder} s3://{your bucket name} --recursive

For instance:

1aws --profile benjatech s3 cp ./benjatech-master s3:// --recursive


If you want to sync your local folder with the s3 folder, so every local change will also be reflected in your site, you can use the following command:

1aws --profile {your profile} s3 sync {origin folder} s3://{your bucket name}

For instance:

1aws --profile benjatech s3 sync ./benjatech-master s3://